Imports data from Amazon S3. If you have an Amazon Cloud configured as your client_cloud
you should probably use the do
Before you can download data you have to give Workflows access. Follow the steps below:
to delete source files after downloading them.to_aws_s3
conn_id: aws_s3_readonly
bucket: onesecondbefore-demo
# Download files in folder `my/folder` with file prefix `part-`
prefix: my/folder/part-
property | type | required | description |
conn_id | string | no | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is aws_s3 |
bucket | string | yes | Contains the Amazon S3 bucket |
prefix | string | no | Default is no prefix (all files in the bucket). Contains the prefix. If configured like prefix: my/folder/part- , this means that only blobs with a filename that starts with part- will be downloaded from folder my/folder |
delete_after | yesno (boolean) | no | Default is no . Set to yes if you want the blob to be deleted after you have imported it. This action cannot be undone. Please refer to the access settings to make sure your account has the correct policy for this. |
item | description |
API | Amazon S3 REST API |
Pre-formatted schema | No. Does not come with a pre-formatted schema. |