Imports data from Bing Ads.
Before you can download data from Bing Ads you have to give Workflows access.
type: keyword_performance_report
account_id: 123456789
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (keyword_performance_report, campaign_performance_report, user_location_performance_report) | yes | Contains the report you want to download |
conn_id | string | yes | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. |
account_id | integer | yes | Account ID you want to export data from. |
columns | array of strings | no | Workflows imports with a default set of columns per export type. If you want a subselection, add the subselection here. |
item | description |
API | Bing Ads Reporting API |
Pre-formatted schema | Yes. Comes with a pre-formatted and described schema. |