Imports data from LinkedIn. The following task types are currently supported:
To identify and retrieve the current member's profile based on the access token.
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (see description) | yes | Must be: /v2/me |
conn_id | string | no | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is `linkedin` |
type: from_linkedin
type: /v2/me
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (see description) | yes | Must be: /v2/organizationPageStatistics |
organization | string | no | The organization identifier or URN. Must be of format urn:li:organization:{id} .
conn_id | string | no | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is `linkedin` |
type: from_linkedin
type: /v2/organizationPageStatistics
organization: urn:li:organization:67288917
/v2/organizations/{organization ID}
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (see description) | yes | Must be: /v2/organizations/{organization ID} |
conn_id | string | no | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is `linkedin` |
type: from_linkedin
type: /v2/organizations/67288917
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (see description) | yes | Must be: /v2/ugcPosts Finds UGC Posts by author. |
authors | string | no | Must be either a person URN (urn:li:person:123ABC ) or an organization URN (urn:li:organization:12345 )
sortBy | enumerator(CREATED, LAST_MODIFIED) | no | You can also pass an optional param sortBy=CREATED or sortBy=LAST_MODIFIED to author finder which will sort UGC posts based on created timestamp field (created.time ) or lastModified timestamp field (lastModified.time ) in descending order (most recent to least recent). Without this param, by default, it is set to sortBy=LAST_MODIFIED .
conn_id | string | no | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is `linkedin` |
type: from_linkedin
type: /v2/ugcPosts
authors: urn:li:organization:67288917
item | description |
API | LinkedIn API Overview |
Pre-formatted schema | Yes. Comes with a pre-formatted and described schema. |